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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Really Weird Town Names & Why?

Bigfoot, Texas, USA

Most of you are probably thinking that the town was named after the legendary monster, Bigfoot.

Sorry to burst your bubble but there is no story about a hairy Sasquatch grabbing and… eating the locals.

The town was named after William A. A. (Bigfoot) Wallace, a resident of the community.

Blow Me Down, Newfoundland, Canada

According to local legends, this towns name was given by Captain Messervay. Messervey was an unusually small captain who only stood at 4’2’ and upon his ships arrival into the Bay of Islands, which is surrounded by huge mountains, he prayed that they wouldn't "Blow-me-Down".

Bonanza, Colorado, USA

In 1880, the town of Bonanza popped up that fall. The name originates from the optimistically named Bonanza mine when one of the prospectors told his friends, "It’s a Bonanza, boys!" and the name stuck.

Celebration, FL, USA

This town was a planned community that was developed by The Walt Disney Company. Disney hired top architects to develop the plans for the town of Celebration. Maybe they can get “Kool and the Gang” to sing “Celebrate Good Times, come on…!”

Chicken, Alaska, USA

This town was named after the state bird, Ptarmigan, which closely resembles a chicken. Since the name Ptarmigan was too hard to spell, and the residents did not want the town to be the subject of ridicule they decided to simply call the town…

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Unexplained Phenomena

How Bizarre can this news be? It is funny and it has the capacity to bring a smile to your face. That is all there is to it.

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